Bret Snow's Eye-Grabbing, 1,100-Horsepower Twin-Turbo 2013 Ford Mustang

Bret Snow's Eye-Grabbing, 1,100-Horsepower Twin-Turbo 2013 Ford Mustang

Swoosh! Leaves fly off the side of the road as the Grabber Blue Mustang spools up its turbochargers while sitting line-locked in place. Bouncing between redline and bursts of the blow-off valve, the GT lets loose with a smoky trail of burning rubber left on the asphalt. This may have been the first official burnout for Bret Snow in his freshly built 2013 Ford Mustang GT, but it was the last checkmark for a long journey to high horsepower ... read more

Final Fox: 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra SVT

Final Fox: 1993 Ford Mustang Cobra SVT

1980 Mercury Capri RS

1980 Mercury Capri RS