Oz's 1965 Ford Mustang: "The Blue Buffalo" — StangBangers

What’s Your Mustang Story?

Oz's 1965 Ford Mustang: "The Blue Buffalo"

Oz's 1965 Ford Mustang: "The Blue Buffalo"

Like wasp nests that are hidden in a dark corner of a hot landscape, Wasp Automotive is located in the sweltering heat of California’s high desert in the city of Oak Hills. Inside an unassuming building, owner Osvaldo “Oz” Asencio toils alone on his signature masterpiece: the custom blue with bronze trimmed 1965 Ford Mustang tentatively called “The Blue Buffalo” … read more

Saleen Celebrates 35th Anniversary with 780-HP Mustang

Saleen Celebrates 35th Anniversary with 780-HP Mustang

2008 Ford Mustang Brochure

2008 Ford Mustang Brochure