Craig Wick's 1963 Ford Falcon Futura
When a customer of Craig Wick had let a 1963½ Falcon project go idle for a couple years, Craig prompted him to see if he might be willing to sell the bird of prey so he might have a go of it. As the main man behind Wicked Fabrication in Auburn, Washington, Craig and his crew have built some of the most sanitary and well-sorted custom hot rods on the West Coast, but for his own set of wheels, Craig didn’t envision something over the top and the potential of the Falcon pushed his buttons. “I’m 6-foot-4, and don’t fit in a number of ’60s cars, particular smaller cars, like the early Novas. When I sat in the Falcon, I was shocked to find I had plenty of headroom. I thought I could comfortably drive something like this!” Craig says.
A deal was struck, and Wick was on his way to making the Falcon as he saw fit …