High-Speed Ford F-150 Crash Shows How Strong Cars Are Today
I’m not sure how, but ridiculous car crashes keep landing on my desk this week. This one isn’t an awesome save by emergency services or a Tesla ratting its driver out to the cops. Instead, we have a Canadian charged with impaired driving walking away from a destructive crash and leaving the remains of their F-150 behind.
This one comes from the aptly named IdiotsInCars Subreddit. It all happened on Hurst Drive in Barrie, Ontario on Saturday, reports Toronto Sun. Video — that we cannot embed — was captured by a motorist with a dashcam and it shows a Ford F-150 blast by the camera car in a residential area. The F-150 passes with so much speed that you can hear its exhaust roar through most of the clip. It’s as if the driver didn’t turn off his warp drive before entering the residential area.
Police say that the speeding Ford hit another vehicle, a utility pole, a fence and another structure before coming to rest. He went through five properties altogether.
Amazingly, there were no injuries. Only the driver was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
(photo credit: Barrie Police)